Dig deeper into yourself and heal aspects of your life that are impacted by trauma and stress through the modalities of Core Wound Coaching, Breathwork, and Psychedelic Facilitation

Breathe with me


Your certified guide to

Core Wound coaching


Psychedelic Facilitation

Core Wound Reprogramming

Improving relationships with self and others

Utilizing Integrated Attachment Theory, I will guide you to understand and resolve key personal and relational issues. My approach focuses on enhancing self-awareness and fostering secure connections. Together, we'll address challenges, from overcoming lifelong blockages to improving communication, leading to more fulfillment and harmony.


somatic experience

Life’s stress and trauma can get trapped in the body. By simply modulating how we breathe, we can access a natural and safe somatic release. Breathwork, practiced for thousands of years and grounded in science, is a natural and safe method that helps in alleviating stress, soothing the mind and enhancing overall physical health.

Psychedelic facilitation

Going within

Exploring the profound realms of consciousness with the guidance of a professional facilitator can be a transformative journey. My psychedelic sessions offer a safe and supportive environment to unlock hidden insights, break through limiting beliefs, and heal emotional wounds.